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Personal, Social and Emotional Development

All about me

Harold the giraffe came to talk to us about our bodies. 

Talking about our Feelings

We discussed how we know if something is safe and the rules we have to stay safe. We talked about how we feel when no one is there to tell us if something is safe and how we might feel. We listened to different scenarios and decided if they were safe to do, the happy face, or unsafe, the sad face. 
We used our cutting skills to make feeling emoji faces. 

The Colour Monster

The Colour Monster needed our help to sort his colours and understand his feelings. Yellow is happy like the sun, blue is sad like a cold wet day, red is anger when we want to scream and shout. we talked about the things that make us feel happy, sad, scared or loved. 

We talked about at the different feelings the Colour Monster felt as he started school. 
