At Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School, we value how Science encapsulates all aspects of everyday life. Science provides the children with an enjoyable and stimulating curriculum that provides opportunities to build knowledge, understanding, curiosity and a sense of awe and wonder of the natural world. We promote a ‘healthy lifestyle’ and teach the impact this has.
We aim to provide a stimulating learning environment that promotes the language and vocabulary of science and develops understanding and respect for the environmental areas within the locality and the wider world. Children will develop practical scientific and investigational skills and have opportunities to apply these skills in order to investigate their own ideas and deepen their understanding.
The children should also learn how our understanding of all aspect of our World has been shaped by the impact of important Scientific discoveries by studying a range of Scientists and Engineers.
We teach an investigative curriculum, which allows children to explore their ideas and understand principles of science as well as providing them with opportunities to discover and apply knowledge through scientific skill based activities. Children develop mastery in the key skills: planning enquiries, taking measurements, recording and analysing data, reporting findings, identifying and explaining scientific evidence.
This is supported through the studying of key scientist and the development of a knowledge of their work.
Lessons are taught in blocks on a termly basis linked to the main enquiry questions of the Learning Challenge Curriculum, with a particular focus on the necessary skills before presenting their findings.
The evidence of their work is collected within science books. Photographs of practical investigations, group or displays are also kept within this book. We also keep a Science Floorbook to collect evidence of learning within an enquiry.
Diagnostic tests collate prior knowledge and impact teachers planning, identifying gaps in knowledge and providing a starting point. Children record their prior knowledge on acorns which are displayed on the Learning Curriculum Tree. Knowledge mats or presentations at the end of topics provide evidence of children’s learning achievements.
The pupil’s knowledge of science and scientific skills is recorded throughout the topic in knowledge leaves that are attached to the Learning Challenge trees found in all classes.
Acquired learning is monitored continuously by the class teacher, with end of topic assessments assisting these judgements alongside children’s final presentation. Teachers record judgements using iTrack.
The development of their scientific skills will be evaluated against Key Performance Indicators at the end of the year. Other evidence is also gathered by the subject leader through learning walkthroughs, observations and book samples. Pupil discussions with subject leaders indicate what the children have retained and shows a picture of learning across the school.