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Holy Week

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During Holy Week we have come together to reflect on the hope Jesus brings us. We have thought about the sacrifice He made for all of us and how we may make sacrifices in our life to help others as Jesus did.

Christian Unity Week

Eyes Down for Christmas Bingo

We will remember them

First Holy Communion

Key worker Class 

The children wanted to share with you all everything they have been up to! Each week I will post new activities they have enjoyed doing along side the White Rose Maths and English which is available to children at home.



Brighten Up Harvest.

Today we were joined by Carole , from CAFOD,  who came to talk to us about our own mission to help others. We collected tins to take to those in need as Harvest Hampers.

Today Debbie came to talk to us about prayer. We learned that  God is always happy to talk to us and listen to what we have to tell him .

Happy Golden Anniversary!

During  today's assembly, we celebrated a 50th wedding anniversary.

Zero Heros for CAFOD

CAFOD have asked to be Zero Heroes. They would like us to try and balance our actions to help reduce climate change. 

Holy Week

Each class told a different part of Jesus' journey during the Holy Week. 

Easter bingo

Science Week

We had lots of fun carrying out exciting experiments during Science week. 
We played a game to show how pollen is moved from one flower to the next be bees. We call this pollination. 
We made poo and excavated it to see what people in the past had eaten.
On a spacewalk you can't nip back to the toilet. We tested materials to find the best one to make a space nappy from. 

Come and see what we have learnt

We invited parents to come and see all the exciting things we have learnt during Science Week.

Christian Unity Week

