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Our School Governors

School Governor Vacancy


Dear Parents and Carers


Our School Governing Body has a vacancy for a Parent Governor.  Governors play a key role in the school, working as a team to provide support and challenge, and influencing strategies. 


We are hoping that parents will nominate themselves or others and help us by contributing ideas and influencing decision making.


Outlines of procedures for nominations are set out below but please contact school directly to talk informally about being a School Governor.


The Governing Body is made up of parents, teachers and other members of the community.  Every term the Governing Body meets to support the work of the school, and together with the Executive Head teacher and Head of School is responsible for making sure that the school provides a good standard of education for pupils.


If you would like to become a Governor, or to put forward the name of another parent who is willing to stand, please complete the nomination paper below, or call in at the school office for a paper copy.  You are allowed to propose yourself or get your partner to do so.


All nominations must be seconded by a parent of a pupil at the school, other than the candidate or the proposer.


Candidates are also asked to make themselves known to other parents by writing a short letter, something about themselves and what they would hope to do for the School if elected (no more than 100 words). 
