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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Christian Unity Week

    Mon 22 Jan 2018 D. Hanmer

    Today was the start of Christian Unity Week, where all denominations of Christianity come together and join in prayer and ...

  • Merry Christmas, Everyone!

    Thu 14 Dec 2017 D. Hanmer

    Today the children, staff and governors enjoyed a lovely Christmas dinner with Turkey and all the trimmings. Everybody was in ...

  • When Carol came to town!

    Thu 12 Oct 2017 D. Hanmer

    Recently Carol from CAFOD came to visit the school to do an assembly on 'Brightening Up the Harvest Festival' and ...

  • Race For Life!

    Thu 12 Oct 2017 D. Hanmer

    A couple of weeks ago the whole school (including the teachers!) ran the Cancer Research Race for Life. Some of ...

  • Bowling competition

    Thu 14 Sep 2017

    Well done to our bowling team who won a gold medal and won their qualifying matches. Good luck in the ...

  • R.E. Week - Welcome the stranger!

    Fri 17 Mar 2017

    In school this week we have looked at the plight of refugees around the World. To celebrate the end of ...

  • Christian Unity Week

    Mon 23 Jan 2017

    This week we have been visited by many visitors to celebrate Christian Unity Week.   

  • World Gifts with CAFOD

    Mon 21 Nov 2016

    Today, Carol, from CAFOD, visited us to let us know all about gifts we can give to the world through ...

  • Remembrance Service

    Sun 13 Nov 2016

    Today in school we held our annual Remembrance Service. We thought about all those who gave their lives in the ...

  • One Million Children Praying the Rosary

    Thu 10 Nov 2016

    Today, on the 18th October, we joined hundreds of children, all over the world, to pray the Holy Rosary. Class ...
