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At Our Lady of Lourdes, Geography connects our children to the world around them. To its past, present and future. Through real issues we explore the relationship between the Earth and its people through the study of place, space and environment. It contributes to the cultural, social, spiritual and moral life of children as they acquire knowledge of a range of different cultures and traditions and learn tolerance and understanding of other people and environments. Developing geographical skills is essential as children live in a world that is wide open to them. Great importance is placed on the interaction between the physical and the human environment. Many areas of study give opportunities to make children aware of these effects upon their surroundings, their own responsibilities and how they can contribute to improving the environment, however small that contribution might be.

We teach an investigative curriculum, which allows children to explore their ideas and understand principles of geography as well as providing them with opportunities to discover and apply knowledge through geography cased activities. Children develop mastery in the key skills: map reading and recording and presenting the human and physical features of environments.

Geography is taught as part of the theme work in blocks on a termly basis linked to the main enquiry questions of the Learning Challenge Curriculum. In some classes, geography has not been taught much this year as it fell within topics during school closures due to lockdown or the topic had more of a history focus.

Evidence is collated within floorbooks for practical work and investigations or children’s individual theme books for independent work.

Prior knowledge is recorded on the acorns of learning, which are displayed on the Learning Curriculum Tree. Presentations at the end of topics provide evidence of children’s learning achievements.

The pupil’s geographical knowledge and skills are recorded throughout the topic in knowledge leaves that are attached to the Learning Challenge trees found in all classes.

The class teacher monitors acquired learning continuously, alongside children’s final presentation. Teachers record judgements using iTrack.

The development of their geographical skills will be evaluated against Key Performance Indicators at the end of the year. Other evidence is also gathered by the subject leader through learning walkthroughs, observations and book samples. Pupil discussions with subject leaders indicate what the children have retained and shows a picture of learning across the school. 

Our School Curriculum Map for Geography

Progression in Knowledge and Skills in Geography
